2023-2024 General Catalog

Grade Appeals

Faculty mentors are responsible for the awarding of grades at CalSouthern. A learner has the right to appeal their course grade upon the awarding of the final grade. The basis for a grade appeal is limited to the following reasons: (a) violation of university policy, (b) violation of course policy, or (c) questions regarding the accuracy and/or fairness of an assessment. The learner must contact the course mentor immediately to discuss concerns about a grade. If the issue is not resolved, or if the faculty mentor does not respond within 2 calendar days, the learner can submit a Grade Appeal form to GradeAppeal@calsouthern.edu. The written appeal must be submitted within 7 calendar days of the final course grade posting and must include the reason(s) for appealing the grade and provide documentation supporting the appeal (if applicable). Appeals regarding the accuracy and/or fairness of an assessment must include the page(s) in assigned readings and/or Canvas course content that supports the appeal. A decision regarding the appeal will be made within 5 calendar days of the date the appeal was submitted. Students will be notified in writing of the decision by the 6th calendar day after submission. This decision is final.