2023-2024 General Catalog

Academic Standards, Policies, and Procedures

Grading Policies and Procedures

Learner grades for each course are due from the faculty mentors between three to seven days after the end date for a course. Grades are submitted through the CalSouthern LMS.

Grading System

Letter grades are awarded in accordance with each learner’s demonstration of the prescribed learning objectives and outcomes of each course as follows:





93.0% - 100%

4.00 grade points


90.0% - 92.99%

3.66 grade points


87.0% - 89.99%

3.33 grade points


83.0% - 86.99%

3.00 grade points


80.0% - 82.99%

2.66 grade points


77.0% - 79.99%

2.33 grade points


73.0% - 76.99%

2.00 grade points


70.0% - 72.99%

1.66 grade points


67.0% - 69.99%

1.33 grade points


63.0% - 66.99%

1.00 grade points


62.0% - 62.99%

0.66 grade points


0.0% - 61.99%

0.00 grade points


W  Withdrawal – Learners may withdraw from a course between day 11 and up to and including day 84 for a 16- week semester and between day 11 and up to and including day 42 for an 8-week term.
TR   Transfer Credit – Semester credit granted for semester credits accepted in transfer from other institutions.
CX   Cancelled Course – CX is recorded when a course is dropped up to and including the 10th day after the course start date.
R Repeated Course – A learner has the option of retaking a course if he or she wants to improve an unsatisfactory grade. Tuition must be paid for the repeated course at the current published tuition rate. Once a letter grade is recorded for the repeated course, the original grade will be replaced by an “R” grade. The grade points earned from the later grade will be used in computing the cumulative grade point average.
S Satisfactory – Full credit is given for course. S is equivalent to B or above for graduate-level work and C or above for undergraduate-level work.
U Unsatisfactory – No credit is given for the course.
CR   Credit – Full credit is given for the course. CR is equivalent to B or above for graduate-level work and C or above for undergraduate-level work.
NC   No Credit – No credit is given for the course.
I Incomplete – An incomplete is a temporary grade indicating additional course work is required to fulfill the requirement of a given course.


Minimum Passing Grade and Repeated Courses

Learners must earn a minimum grade in their courses to progress in the program. The below table lists the minimum acceptable passing grade for a course in each program in each school. A learner who earns a grade below the minimum passing grade must either repeat the course or, if an elective course, enroll in an alternate course of equal credit that will meet the degree program requirements. Learners that must repeat a course are automatically re-registered for the course in the consecutive term to align with the University's Continuous Enrollment Policy. A learner may also repeat a course to improve a grade previously earned. Any learner who withdraws from a course will repeat that course, or (if approved by Learner Support Services) take an alternate course.




Undergraduate Programs (AALS, BA, BAS, BBA, BSCJ)


Master's Programs (MA, MS, MBA, MEd, MSLEEL)


Doctoral Programs (DBA, PsyD)






Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN)


Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Note: For a learner to graduate from a program they must meet the minimum GPA requirements for that program which may differ from the minimum passing grades listed above.

Whether the course is repeated, or an alternate course is taken, the learner is required to pay tuition for the course and to complete all course requirements. When a course is repeated, the previous grade earned for that course is replaced with an “R” once the repeated course is completed. The "R" grade will remain on the transcript. Upon completion of the repeated course. The grade points earned from the subsequent grade are used in computing the cumulative grade point average (CGPA). If the repeated course is not completed, the original grade will be recorded as the final grade.

Grade Appeals

Faculty mentors are responsible for the awarding of grades at CalSouthern. A learner has the right to appeal their course grade upon the awarding of the final grade. The basis for a grade appeal is limited to the following reasons: (a) violation of university policy, (b) violation of course policy, or (c) questions regarding the accuracy and/or fairness of an assessment. The learner must contact the course mentor immediately to discuss concerns about a grade. If the issue is not resolved, or if the faculty mentor does not respond within 2 calendar days, the learner can submit a Grade Appeal form to GradeAppeal@calsouthern.edu. The written appeal must be submitted within 7 calendar days of the final course grade posting and must include the reason(s) for appealing the grade and provide documentation supporting the appeal (if applicable). Appeals regarding the accuracy and/or fairness of an assessment must include the page(s) in assigned readings and/or Canvas course content that supports the appeal. A decision regarding the appeal will be made within 5 calendar days of the date the appeal was submitted. Students will be notified in writing of the decision by the 6th calendar day after submission. This decision is final.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

The academic standing of a learner is expressed in terms of a cumulative grade point average (CGPA). A CGPA is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned at CalSouthern by the total number of credits completed at CalSouthern.

Transfer credit may be accepted subject to the provisions listed under Evaluation of Transfer Credit. However, due to considerable differences in course content of work done at other colleges or universities, CalSouthern does not consider grade points or hours attempted for work completed at other schools in the calculation of CalSouthern’s cumulative grade point average.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

A learner’s academic progress is reviewed at the end of each semester or at the end of an approved scheduled leave of absence to ensure the learner is meeting the satisfactory academic standards as indicated below. To maintain satisfactory academic progress, a learner must maintain both of the following academic standards:

  • Successful completion of a minimum of one course every 6 months; and
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) as designated in the following chart:

    Undergraduate Degree & Certificate Programs

    Graduate Degrees & Certificate Programs

    2.0 on a 4.0 Scale

    3.0 on a 4.0 Scale

Failure to maintain the satisfactory academic progress in one or both will result in the learner being placed on academic probation. Once placed on academic probation, the learner has two consecutive semesters to show progress towards meeting the academic standards. If the learner does not make progress in meeting these standards, they will be subject to dismissal from the University based on academic disqualification.

Academic Probation

A learner will be placed on Academic Probation for failure to make satisfactory academic progress, which includes one or both of the following circumstances:

  • Failure to successfully complete a minimum of one course every six months; and
  • Failure to maintain a grade point average meeting the requirement for graduation.

Specific conditions of the Academic Probation will be issued to the learner and maintained in the learner’s official file. The probation period is specified in the official notification received by the learner. The learner will need to show progress in meeting the conditions that apply to them to be removed from probation, or face dismissal. Learners who fail to make satisfactory progress within two consecutive semesters will be dismissed from the University.

Non-Continuous Enrollment Probation

A learner will be placed on probation for failure to maintain continuous enrollment. Specific conditions of the Non-Continuous Enrollment Probation will be issued to the learner and be maintained in the learner’s official file. The probation period is specified in the official notification received by the learner. The learner will need to enroll in a course within 30 days of being placed on probation and successfully start the course without cancelling or changing start dates. Learners who fail to rectify their violation of the continuous enrollment policy within specified parameters of their probation will be subject to administrative withdrawal from the university.


Academic Dismissal

A learner will be subject to academic dismissal from CalSouthern for failure to meet the conditions of academic probation which are listed below. A learner will be subject to dismissal without prior probation for violations of academic integrity or for conduct in violation of the university’s code of conduct.

  • Failure to make satisfactory academic progress.
  • Failure to maintain a grade point average required for graduation.
  • Conduct in violation of the University’s code of conduct or academic integrity/falsification of any work or records submitted for review or academic credit (plagiarism).

Learners who are academically dismissed can review the reinstatement policy.


A learner who has withdrawn from CalSouthern or who has been administratively withdrawn or dismissed must reapply to CalSouthern with a new application and go through the admissions evaluation process to enroll. The requirements for the program in effect at the time of the new enrollment will apply.

The Academic Evaluation Team will consider past academic records, remedial work done subsequently, and other extenuating circumstances when evaluating re-admission. Any applicant who was previously academically dismissed may, at the discretion of the Enrollment Services Committee, be conditionally re-admitted, contingent on successful completion of at least two courses selected by the dean.