2023-2024 General Catalog

Reporting and Resolving Charges of Plagiarism

All members of the Cal Southern community are expected to assist in maintaining the integrity of the University, which includes reporting incidents that violate this Academic Integrity Policy. Charges of plagiarism must be raised by anyone with knowledge of the incident, including but not limited to:

  • Mentors
  • Administrators
  • Peers (other learners or co-workers)

Violations are cumulative across the program of study. If a learner is found to be in violation of the university’s academic integrity policy, disciplinary actions (sanctions) include:

Minor Violation

Less than 10% of the assignment includes incorrect paraphrasing, incorrect or missing citations, or short, direct quotes that are cited without quotation marks.

  • First Offense: Resubmission of the assignment within 3 calendar days with a 10-30% grade reduction and a verbal warning.
  • Second Offense: Grade of zero on the assignment and written warning.
  • *Third Offense: Grade of zero for the course with a written warning and referral to the AIUS Code of Conduct committee with a recommendation for final warning or dismissal from the Program/University.

Major Violation

All academic integrity violations that do not meet the definition of a minor violation are considered a major violation.

  • First Offense: A failing grade on an assignment with a written warning.
  • Second Offense: A failing grade for the course with a written warning.
  • Third Offense: Referral to the AIUS Code of Conduct committee with a recommendation for final warning or dismissal from the Program/University.